This past Sunday, for my radio show I drew the Moon which is the 18th card in the Major Arcana and associated with the water sign of Pisces. The cards imagery usually includes the Moon shining down on canines howling by a body of water, which usually has a crawfish or other subterranean creatures lurking below the surface. The Moon is associated with feminine energy. However, her energy is present in all living things regardless of human constructs and conceptual identities of gender. She's been mythologized as a goddess and has been a source of mystery, delight and inspiration for humanity throughout the ages. She is our friend when the darkness of night comes, but her illuminations are only partial and one of her talents is uncovering just enough to keep us guessing. What she reveals to us can be confusing and surreal.
Spiritually, physically and psychologically, the Moon triggers something primal and creative within us. She reminds us that no matter how technologically advanced we are, we’re all still tethered to these ancient lunar rhythms. When this card shows up, it brings a sense of wonder, illusion, mystery and imagination. It also means things are not what they seem and there is possible confusion, misrepresentation and fear. This card asks us to remember that we can sometimes only see outlines, impression and projections of our own shadows when the Moon shines. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t use her light, or that what were looking at isn’t there. Far from it, the Moon brings out the impulses and ideas that lay dormant within us. She helps us to understand the nature of the fears and confusion we carry within our subconscious-but when the Sun comes up in the morning things look very different. We get a fuller, more complete picture of what’s in front of us in the light of day, but we don't forget how we felt standing under the moonlight trying to see.
For this week on Sunday's show, I predicted news about infectious diseases coming out. We have an epidemic of Cholera in Yemen right now because of war, and we rarely talk about the immense suffering going on all around the world due to our actions. Currently, we still have over 2,000 immigrant children kidnapped and detained by our government as a result of our chaotic immigration policies. It has been widely reported that they're being sexually and physically abused, locked in cages, and coming home with rashes, scabies, lice. What does all of this have to do with the Moon you might say? The Moon rules confusion and when looking collectively it seems that our leadership is either mired in this state of disarray or attempting to control by misdirection and confusion or both. This can have real consequences when thinking about the management of public health.
We are cautioned by the Moon to look beneath the surface of our projections, fears and expectations of what should be, and remember that we don't have all the answers to what plagues us. The energy of the Moon outlines with suggestions and our imagination fills in the rest. While we're waiting for the light and truth of the Sun to come out, the Moon gives us an opportunity make a deeper connection with our biological rhythms and subconscious motivations.
It's a good week to get in touch with the shadows cast before us to find out what they're trying to reveal.
Science Fiction -Bassnectar
Year of the Boomerang-Rage Against The Machine
Virus- Deltron 3030
Heresy-Nine Inch Nails
If 6 was 9-Jimi Hendrix
Don’t pull me over- Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers
There’s nothing you can say-Holly Golightly
At the Bar-Koffin Kats
Toy Shop Armeggedon-Circus Contraption
One Legged One Armed Unicycle Man-Dirty Bourbon River Show